I'm New


Trinity's mission is to help people discover their lifelong purpose in the family of Christ.
We do this through congregational worship, Bible studies and life groups, and serving our community.

When we Meet

Sunday Morning Bible Studies

9:45 am

Sunday Morning Services

  8:30 am Traditional Service and
11:00 am Contemporary  Service 

What To Expect

A typical service will last about 60 minutes. Our 8:30 am service our pianist  plays hymns right from the hymnal,  in the 11 am  service  our worship band plays upbeat contemporary songs.  Both services are about engaging in worship with our Lord and Savior.  We offer Bible studies and activities for all age groups during our 9:45 am Bible Study  hour. 

Bible Study Classes

Bible Study Classes

1&2- Youth
3- Median Adult Ladies
4- Preschool Department
5- Senior Adult 3
5A- Children
6- Senior Adult Department

A- Median Adult 1
B2- Young Adult
C- Temporary Housing  

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.